↓ Community ↓
Connect to a like-body-minded community
Group Somatic learning and socializing events
Learn how to feel better every day
All are welcome - Members get specialized benefits
In-Person and Online events
Unique diverse topics on self care, health, and community
Share and learn with each other
Be part of the Your Muscle Whisperer community
Connect with Ryan Moschell - Your Muscle Whisperer
Community Events
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
A community of like body-minded individuals who want to move, learn, and connect.
What - Regular community walking events
Who - Ryan Moschell + You your family and friends
When - Wednesday
Where - A pre-scheduled location
How - Prepare and meet us
Cost - Free
- Somatics to help you upright and on the go
- Walking preparation, execution, and recovery techniques
- Get your steps in and feel better doing it
- Connect to like body-minded individuals like you
* We will meet up before or after at a local venue to socialize
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
In-Person Classes - Annapolis
A community of like body-minded individuals who want to move, learn, and connect.
What - Regular in-person Somatic movement classes
Who - Ryan Moschell + You your family and friends
- Once a Month
- Day - TBA
- Time - TBA
Where - Annapolis Friends Meeting House
How - Bring a mat, blanket, pillow, and towels
- $10 Members
- $20 Drop-In
- Somatic practices to help you move and feel better daily
- Standing, Sitting, and lying down movements
- Walking preparation, execution, and recovery techniques
- Connect to like body-minded individuals like you