Office Policies
The Day Of Your Appointment
At Home - Self-Health Screen
What to look for before you leave home for your appointment:
Have I had a fever of 99.5 degrees in the last 24 hours?
Have I recently had, any respiratory or flu symptoms, sore throat, or shortness of breath?
Have I recently had, chills, muscle aches, new loss of taste or smell, or new rashes or lesions?
Have I had contact with anyone in 14 days who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Should I Attend My session?
If you said no to all of the self-health questions above you can proceed to my office. If not see below.
Not Cleared
If you checked any of the self-health questions above and your temperature is at or above 99.5 degrees F please contact me and we can discuss this to see if we need to reschedule.
Masks are required until further notice
I Have A Proper Mask To Wear:
My mask fits well It completely covers my nose and mouth.
I will wear my mask the whole time I am on the premises I will take my mask with me when I leave
I Do Not Have A Mask To Wear:
A new disposable mask will be given to me when you arrive.
I will wear my mask the whole time I am on the premises I will take my mask with me when I leave
I Will Not Wear A Mask
Masks are mandatory. No exceptions.
I am aware that If I remove or refuse to wear a mask while on the premises my session will end, and that I will be asked to leave the premises.
The Office
As I Enter The Office
Make sure my mask is on and secured before entering The waiting room.
Visit the bathroom when you arrive Wash hands (20-30 seconds) Use hand sanitizer as needed.
When I Enter The Treatment Room
My mask will stay on throughout the session
Massage - I will remove my clothing to my comfort level for a massage
Somatics - I will change into comfortable clothes
As I Leave
When My Session Is Over I will:
Keep my mask on until I leave the premises
Get dressed and gathered my things
Use the hand sanitizer dispenser by the door
Pay for today’s session/series:
during the scheduling process
in the office with a touchless payment option
Pay online after your session
Non-Members Pay Online Now
Members - Log in to your member account to look for discounted session specials
Schedule my next appointment online
Non Members - Schedule Online Now
Members - Log in to your member account to look for discounted session specials
Practice Updates Since COVID-19:
+ Masks Are Mandatory - You will need to wear a mask from the time of your car side health screen until the time you return to your car after your session. You are encouraged to bring your own clean mask. If you do not have one, a mask will be provided for you during your car side temperature health screen. If you choose not to wear a mask you will be asked to leave and can reschedule if you change your mind in the future. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html
+ Practitioner Health Screen - Ryan Moschell will do a daily self-health screen daily which will be written on a dry-erase board in his studio.
+ Touch-less Hand Sanitizer - There will be a hand sanitizer station for you in my treatment room.
+ Touch-less Paper Towel Dispenser - There is a touchless paper towel dispenser in my treatment room. Just cup and place your hand below the dispenser.
+ Touch-less Trash Can – There is a touchless trash can in my treatment room. Just wave your hand near the front of the lid to open it.
+ Medical Laundry Service – I have hired Nixon medical to wash and deliver the linens for my practice.
+ Practitioner PPE - Ryan will be wearing a double mask and (If requested - face shield/eye protection, gloves) for each session.
+ Client - Practitioner Contact - Pre and post-session contact and any extra conversation will be kept to a minimum. We can communicate via phone or email before or after your session if needed.
+ Contactless Payments - All payments will be contactless:
- Requested Method - Pay online before or after your appointments.
(An e-mail or text will be sent to you just after your session.)
- Available But Not Suggested - Phone or EVM credit card chip.
+ Contactless Scheduling - All future/follow-up appointments will be made online. An e-mail or text will be sent to you just after your session.
+ Increased Deep Cleaning - The studio will be adding strict and extended COVID-compliant cleaning and session protocols to its already regular cleaning schedule.
+ Chemical Disinfectants - CDC-recommended cleaners and contact times will continue to be in place.
+ Steam cleaning – the carpet is steam cleaned daily.
+ Air Filtration – 2 Rabbit Air HEPA air filters with germ defense filters will be on continuously (day and night), filters changed regularly, and the studio will be aired out between sessions.
+ UV light – Daily my treatment room will be disinfected by exposing it to UV light between clients. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/far-uvc-light-safely-kills-airborne-coronaviruses
+ Patience and Understanding - There will be a learning curve as to how sessions will be from now on. Please be patient as we navigate this together in the safest way possible.