↓ Non-Members ↓
Quick Links
Welcome to my non-member page
I am so glad you are here and are ready to feel better everyday. I remember how long it took me to find a solution for my own chronic muscle pain and stiffness. Since that time I have helped myself and so many others find the solution they were looking for. My hope is that you find your solution right here with me.
This page is where non-members come to access some of the things I offer to all my members. You can schedule One-on-One sessions, register for my Public live online classes, and register for an upcoming Workshop right here. Enjoy and I look forward to working with you and hearing your success story soon. Get started today.
Become A Member
For less than the cost of two public classes you will get
On Demand
Searchable recorded content for safe and effective anywhere, anytime relief
Live Classes
Members-only weekly online classes from anywhere you are in the world
Member-discounted specials for sessions to meet your individual needs and goals
Connect with body-minded individuals learning to feel better together
Monthly Drop-in Class
2nd Saturdays 11:00-12:00 am ET
Non-Members - $15 per Class
Members - Included in your membership
Join me and be guided in introductory classes by Ryan Moschell, Your Muscle Whisperer to help you feel better anytime anywhere. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers to join in. I look forward to seeing you very soon.* Attention Members - log into your member account to access all online classes as part of your membership.
Class Calendar
Your drop in class option is in green all other classes are for members
Class Registration
Need Help Registering?
Live class registration instructions can be accessed by clicking this button
Schedule Your Next Session
* Attention Members - log into your member account to get exclusive discounted session specials
How to locate your scheduled sessions
If you forget when your previously scheduled session is you can always search your email service by using this e-mail address:
Need Help Scheduling?
Session scheduling instructions can be accessed by clicking this button
Join my events to gain practical muscular relief skills, specialized knowledge, and connect to a like body-minded community. Below is a list and a way to register for upcoming events.
* Attention Members - log in to your member account you get early access, exclusive member content, and discounted pricing for all workshops and events.
First Workshop Coupon
If you are new to my workshops, Welcome. You have an opportunity to attend your first workshop at my member discounted rate. Just enter the coupon below at checkout. * *This coupon can only be used once per attendee.
The code is case-sensitive. Copy now and paste it during checkout.
Need Help Registering?
Workshop registration instructions can be accessed by clicking this button
Non-Member FAQs
It’s where non-members schedule sessions and register to attend events:
Live Classes
One-on-One sessions
DIY library, Live classes, and discounts are all a part of member benefits.
Online access to Ryan Moschell, Your Muscle Whisperer
Access from anywhere you are
Your Zoom Link - There are a few ways to find your unique Zoom room link:
Confirmation Screen - At the end of your scheduling process, there is a confirmation screen where your session info and Zoom link will appear.
Confirmation Email - You should also get a confirmation email immediately after completing the scheduling process
Reminder Email - You should receive a confirmation email with a link 24 hours before your scheduled session
Reminder Text - You should receive a confirmation text with a link a few hours before your scheduled session
When - Your One-on-One session Zoom room will open between 5 minutes before, and on time for your scheduled session
Schedule or Register:
Go to the Public Access page
Go to the One-on-One, Live classes, or Workshops section
Schedule or register in the correct section.
Copy and save your Zoom link. (You will receive your unique Zoom link on the confirmation screen, in emails, and in a text)
Paperwork - Make sure if you received a form that it is filled out and returned before your session or we will need to reschedule.
Review - the Comfort and Principles page
Gather - your varied supports so they are within reach
Video - Make sure you can see your whole body laying down on your personal video screen
Phone - Please turn off your phone.
If you need to use your phone to access your session please turn off the ringer or put in do- not disturb mode.
Pets - Put your pets out of the room, if they let you
People - Let others in the house know you will be in a session
Legal - Review my Disclaimer before your session. By scheduling/registering and then attending an appointment, class, or workshop it shows that you have read and agree to my legal disclaimer.
Support - Use Zooms support to troubleshoot issues you may be having. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/sections/201740126-Troubleshooting-Zoom-Meetings
Camera and Microphone
Test your camera and microphone before class.
Internet Browser
Use an updated browser, preferably:
Chrome - on desktop computer and/or
Safari - for iOS (Apple mobile) devices
Connect to a stable internet signal preferably through an ethernet cable, especially if you are using an older device.
Test your internet connection speed before class starts. Speed Test
After your One-on-One Sessions
Muscle Relief Movements©
You will be receiving your individualized movements within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment(s)
If you do not receive your Muscle Relief Movements within 48 hours
check your junk/spam email folder.
Contact Me so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
Do your movements daily (regularly) for the best results
Your Member Benefits:
Utilize your valuable member benefits to support your continued progress during your One-on-One sessions.
Schedule Your Next Session
Reasons to schedule regular One-on-One sessions:
To build a foundation
When you get stuck doing movements on your own
When you feel limited by pain or stiffness
You want to continue to deepen your understanding and skills
You want expert guidance and individualized attention regularly
Because having guidance is easier than when you do it on your own
You enjoy the progress you get with expert guidance
Schedule Now
Attention Members - before you schedule here at full price, please log in and schedule your session inside your member account. Once you log in you can see what members’ specials are available.
I look forward to working with you.
I hope to have you as a valued member soon.
Your Muscle Whisperer