DIY Library

Lower Back + Hamstring Exploration
45 Min - Audio - Lower Back + Hamstring Exploration - Class - Move

Be The Sponge - Retraction and Extension
45 Min - Audio - Be The Sponge - Retraction and Extension - Class - Move

Serratus Anterior - Reaching up and forward
50 Min - Audio - Serratus Anterior - Reaching up and forward - Class - Move

Trapezius - Upper-Mid Back
45 Min - Audio - Trapezius Upper-Mid Back - Supine Prone - Move

Pelvis and Torso - Side Flexors - Commuter Comfort
5 Min - Audio - Pelvis and Torso - Side Flexors - Seated - Move

Pelvis and Torso - Rotators - Commuter Comfort
5 Min - Audio - Pelvis and Torso - Rotators - Seated - Move

Lower Back and Abdominals - Commuter Comfort
5 Min - Audio - Lower Back and Abdominals - Seated - Move

Neck and Shoulders - Levator Scapulae - Commuter Comfort
5 Min - Audio - Neck and Shoulders - Seated - Move

Neck and Shoulders - Upper Trapezius- Commuter Comfort
5 Min - Audio - Neck and Shoulders - Upper Trapezius -Seated - Move